The Challenge
To celebrate their fifteenth nonprofit year, March of Dimes RI, an organization striving to improve the health of mothers and babies, partnered with local businesses and individuals to host the Signature Chef Dinner Fundraiser and sought help in communicating the true importance of their cause to audience members.
The Approach
A video featuring fifteen families who each represent the impact of the March of Dimes from research, advocacy and education. Families and infants who were born premature or spent time in the NICU are showcased as thriving children - we hear from families how the support of the MOD positively impacted their journey.
The Value
Connecting the audience to a mission through emotion, the video ends on a call to action: support the March of Dimes on the quest to prevent birth defects, premature births, and infant mortality. Debuted for the audience immediately before the Signature Chef Event Auction, the video directly helped raise $137,000 in one evening. Post event, March of Dimes RI continues to utilize the video as they raise awareness for their cause.